New signature over drive pedal!! Super AT Mod Overdrive登場!


Super AT Mod Overdriveをご紹介します。卓越したトーンとパフォーマンスを渇望するギタリストのための究極のオーバードライブペダルです。Keeley製のこのAndy Timmons Signature Modded Blues Driverペダルは、オリジナルのBlues Driver Phat Modの魔法にAT Modeを追加したものです。世界で1000台しか製造されていないこの限定ペダルは、わずかにブレイクアップ/クリーンなトーンとアンプのようなオーバードライブを提供します。JFETトランジスタを使用した非対称チューブスタイルのクリッピングで、Super AT Mod Overdriveは、チューブアンプのように反応するアンプインボックスです。新しいSuper AT Mod Overdriveは、Keeley Blues Driver Phat Modで初めて行われた20年前の改造で、RKのオリジナルのクリッピングスタイルに戻ったことが特徴です。追加されたToneスイッチは、2つのモードを提供します: ATはハムバッカー用、Phatはシングルコイル用で、低音域が強調され、よりタイトで透明感のあるレスポンスが得られます。True Bypass Switchingを搭載し、米国エドモンドで製造されたこのペダルは、通常の9V DC PSUで駆動されます。

Super AT Mod Overdriveは、Keeley製の限定版Andy Timmons Signature Modded Blues Driverペダルです。JFETトランジスタを使用した非対称チューブスタイルのクリッピングで、このペダルはチューブアンプのように反応し、ATモードを追加したオリジナルのBlues Driver Phat Modの魔法を捉えます。追加されたToneスイッチは2つのモードを提供し、ペダルは通常の9V DC PSUで駆動されます。True Bypass Switchingを搭載し、米国Edmondで製造されたこのペダルは、卓越したトーンとパフォーマンスを求めるギタリストに最適です。

“Super AT Mod Overdrive “は、私が長年探し求めてきた、少し崩した/クリーンなトーンを究極に表現したものです。また、信じられないほどアンプライクな素晴らしいオーバードライブトーンでロックしてくれます。私のボードにはすでに2台あります!あなたのTone Questの成功を祈っています!” – アンディ・ティモンズ

Keeley Modded Blues Driverには何か特別なものがあります。Andy Timmonsのトーンには、さらに驚くべきものがあります。早い時期にこのKeeley Modded Stompboxに出会って以来、Andyのボードにほぼ釘付けになっています。偶然の一致でしょうか?そうではないと思います。では、アンディとロバートがSuper Phat Modプラットフォームの親しみやすさを利用して、クラシックを追い落とすとどうなるのでしょうか?Super AT Modの登場です。

アンディ・ティモンズと彼の美しいギタープレイは、文字通り人々を涙させることで知られています!アンディと数年間仕事をした後、我々は彼の耳をKeeley Super Phat Modに集中させることにしました。Super AT Mod Overdriveのトーンには、プレイヤーにとって非常に分かりやすい2つの重要な修正が施されています。新しいTimmons Modは、トーンコントロールとゲイン作成の両方を強調し、この回路を本当にストンプボックス内のチューブアンプのような音と反応にしています。

Super AT Mod OverdriveのTone Switchには、新しい回路設計が採用されています。ATモードはハムバッカー用にボイシングされています。新しいAT-modeは中低音域が特徴で、ハムバッカーがよりタイトで透明感のあるサウンドになります。アンディが「一日中メロディーを弾いていたい」と言うように、Super AT Mod Overdriveはあなたのギタープレイを刺激します!

シングルコイルを使用していて、サウンドにもう少しパワーが欲しい場合は、Toneスイッチを右に回して、オリジナルのKeeley PHAT-modeを使用することも可能です。

このペダルの歪み特性を最も劇的に変化させたのは、クリッピングダイオードです。新しいSuper AT Mod Overdriveは、Keeley Blues Driver Phat Modで初めて行われた20年前の改造であるRKのオリジナルクリッピングスタイルへの回帰が特徴です。このATエディションでは、通常のダイオードとLEDを組み合わせて、非対称のクリッピングを作り出しています。発光ダイオード(LED)は、通常のダイオードよりも高い電圧で信号をクリップしたり歪ませたりします。左右非対称にすることで、基本的な矩形波よりも少し面白い音色を聴かせることができます。真空管バイアス、出力トランス、プッシュプル出力セクションのバランスは、自然な非対称クリッピングを引き起こす可能性があります。Super AT Mod Overdriveペダルは、プッシュされたチューブアンプの特性を示しています。アンディのコードワークとハーモニーは、ゲインを下げることなく、よりクリーンでタイトになりました。

チューブアンプのように反応するドライブペダルが欲しいなら、Super AT Modはあなたのためのものです。このペダルのトポロジーは、クラシックなカリフォルニアのチューブアンプに似ていますが、チューブの代わりにJFETトランジスタを使用しているだけです。アンプのトーンスタックのフィルタリングさえもペダルの中にデザインされています。アンディ・ティモンズの指導のもと開発されたKeeleyだからこそできる、アンプ・イン・ア・ボックスのようなものです。



さて……ここにいるのは、私たちです。さあ、お待たせしました。キーリーさん ロバート博士、そう呼んでいる。ここに戻ってきて、ヘイローの1年について考えるのはいいことだ、そして今、それを聞いている。この何年かの間に、私のトーンの一部である素敵なものを少し手に入れましたが、それに加えて、Modの真新しいスーパーを聞いています。



わからないものですね。私がとても愛しているものだから。みんながこの作品を気に入ってくれるといいんだけど、反響はすごかった。でも、最初にあなたを知ったのは、BD 2のModdedバージョンでした。そこにKeeleyのロゴが見えますよね。



私はいつも、本当にクリスタルのようなグラッシーさと、ほんの少しのバイトとゲインを求めていたんです。だから、BD 2の回路、つまりBD 2を改造した回路は、常にそれに最も近いものでした。しかし、すべての物事がそうであるように、もしできたら変更したいことがいくつかあるんだ。

このペダルには、基本的に2つのモードがあるんだ。Fat phatと呼ばれるモードがあり、これはRobertのオリジナルの改造回路を暗示している。そして、実際のモディファイド・モディファイドとでも言うべき、特別なEQ処理とカービングを施したアトサイドがあります。

でも、ここはロバートに任せて、どういう成り立ちなのか、ちょっと説明させてもらいますね。オリジナルのFat modは、ストラトやテリーのブリッジピックアップを押し上げ、もう少し太くするためのものでした。


つまり、あなたのモードは、私が考えていたこととは正反対なのです。私はシングルコイルを使い、カントリーギターをプッシュアップすることを考えていました。あなたはハムバッカーに近いものを使っていて、ダイナミックレンジが広いので、オリジナルのFat modのように中低音を押し出す必要がないのです。


そうです。では、ここからはファットモードです。ゲインは中間くらいに設定しました。だから、あなたが言ったように、かなりいい感じです。シングルコイルにすると、私はBD 2をずっと演奏してきました。そして、このサウンドは、非対称的なものであれば、どんなものでも良く聞こえます。







そして、あなたは、ドゥードゥル ドゥー。賢い人と一緒にいるのが好きなんだ。それが私の仕事だ 自分よりずっと頭のいい人と付き合う。それが私の仕事です ファンタスティックだ もちろん、この音色は今、アト側に戻っています。このセットアップでは、ゲーム性を少し抑えていますが、実際にはそれほど遠くないので、もう少しはっきりした音になりますよ。






すべてが、私が望む場所に配置され、かつてのようにこの下で泥まみれになることはありません。HaloとSuper at modは、実際に演奏する際にボイシングを強化し、ボイシングのサウンドをより良くしてくれるわけですね。



もう一つのSuper 80 modをファットポジションにすれば、かなりアグレッシブになります。そのために。そうだね。今日はエアコンが苦手なんだ。super at modは、アンディにキメの細かいトップエンドとチューブアンプのような唸りや歪みを与えるサウンドを実現するために、JFETトランジスタを使用しているのが特徴です。





だから、このタイプはもうちょっと少ない方がいいというと、なんとなくどこにあるのかイメージしやすいし、典型的なStomp boxの音にはならないんですよね。同感です。オペアンプとダイオードで、そんな感じのペダルは初めてです。










だから、これは目からウロコだったんだ。しかし、Haloの開発に何年もかけている間に、あなたが表現した音色のすべてが、私たちの能力です。あなたが言ったことを私のエンジニアリング・チームに伝え、Aaron TackettやCreighton Haleにミックスしてもらい、あなたが望むものを実現するために私を助けてもらいました。









Well there here we are. Here we are. Mr. Keeley. Dr. Robert, as I call you. Man, it’s good to be back here and thinking about a year of the Halo already and that’s what we’re hearing now. We’ve got a bit of that lovely just kind of part of my tone after all these years, but m but in addition to that, we’re hearing that with the brand new super at Mod.

Super at Mod, is it, is it? We’ve kind of been tossing this idea around for a little while, but we put the tires to the pavement here just recently. Exactly. Well, I feel like I’ve been a little pesty.

So as all you know, we had this wonderful collaboration to come up with the ultimate dual echo, the Halo, which you guys knocked it out of the park so greatly. I’m still just freaked out about it and so gratified that so many people have resonated with it like I do.

You never know. It’s like something I love so much. Hopefully people will dig it, but the response has been amazing. But how I first got to know you was through the Modded version of the BD two. You can see the, the Keeley logo there.

This pedal was loaned to me about eight years ago by a good buddy of mine. I still haven’t given it back. Is there a statute of limitations? There is. Texas is common law marriage and so. It’s. It’s a pedal that I’ve loved for so long, and it’s part of this kind of tone that I’ve always been searching for.

And it’s that kind of mid, that mid gain to clean and the way, you know, you can have a bit of gain, but the way it cleans up and very responsive to touch. So that pedal was about one of four different ways on my pedal board that I was kind of going for the same thing.

I was always reaching for this really crystalline glassy, but just a little bite and gain. And so the BD two circuit, your modded BD two circuit was always the closest thing I could get to it. But as with all things oh, what if we could we there’s a couple of things that I would like to change.

And so the pedal, it’s got two modes, essentially. It’s got a mode that’s called Fat phat, which alludes to Robert’s original modded circuit. And then there’s the actual modded modded, if you want to call that the at side, where we did some extra special EQing and carving.

But I’ll let Robert take it to kind of explain what the origins were here. So the original Fat mod was designed to kind of push up the bridge pickup on a strat or a telly, just give it a little bit more girth there.

I was working with another guy, and he loved that dynamic nature of this circuit. You pointed out something amazing that you’re like here. If we carve away some of these frequencies here, look how my playing stands out better, and it’s more defined.

And so your mode is kind of the opposite of what I was thinking. I was thinking in terms of single coils and pushing up a country guitar. You’re playing with something that’s much more akin to a humbucker, and you have a much bigger dynamic range, and so it doesn’t need that push on the low mid bass that the original Fat mod did.

And. The other part of the circuit that really sounds good in with this new modded version is how we tried to get things to sound a little bit more tubelike with the diodes and the and the clipping. So we now we’ve got this Asymmetrical clipping, which is a different clipping on the top and the bottom of the waveform and it ends up sounding more like tubes.

Yeah. So well, here so here’s the fat mode. So and I’ve got this, I think, gain about midway up. So it’s pretty, like you said. So if I go to my single Coil, I’ve played that BD two forever. And this sounds better for whatever, if that the asymmetrical thing.

It does sound like a two band, but just driving me crazy. But while retaining the reason I never really used the pedal in that regard too much. But I will now because that sounds great. But I was getting this these clean tones you hear me go for the last few years.

All that and this same yeah, and the way that cleans up and so much of the tone I can drive. With my technique, you know, it’s it’s all there. This is how you use it. Yeah. Wow. Some of the in the harmonic context, I just had it hooked up in my downstairs office studio.

I just I literally play. I kept being late for things because. I wouldn’t stop playing like these. These are good problems to have, and that’s where you want to be. Where that tone that you’re going for in your head?

And you have this piece of gear that just like here it is. I’m I’m equally grateful about it, too, because your musicianship shows off the parts of the pedal that need to be adjusted. So working with you has been equally rewarding.

I mean, it really is nice to have a musician who’s, depending on those sounds and that clarity and able to say, hey, it’s getting a little congested there, or It doesn’t work for me there. It’s not inspiring.

And then to be able to move those little pieces around and get them micro scoodly dos micro scoodly do I see? I don’t want to know. I just love feeling and hearing, and. Then you guys, can we talk micro farads?

And you go, doodle doo. Yeah. I just like hanging out with smart people. That’s my thing. Hang out with people way smarter than you. That’s what I do. Fantastic. And of course, this tone now we’re back on the at side now, so I’ve got this set up with a little less game, but it’s actually not too far away, you’ll hear, where it’s just a little more defined.

You know, I just want to play melodies all day. I get this tone with, you know, the super 18 my with the halo. You know, I’ll get lost. Actually, I went away just now, just like, oh, I better focus on we’re doing a video here, folks.

Very inspiring. There is like, a lot of space between the notes, and I don’t say that to sound funny at all. I mean, it’s very quiet, there’s no noise to it. And even though you have so much gain on taps, usually when you have that much gain on tap, there’s negative consequences.

But between your stuff, it’s very delicate. Yeah. I’m hearing Jeff back there, you know, that same tone you could use on whereas in in that original circuit, I wasn’t quite ready to use it in that way.

This thing, maybe it’s that asymmetrical clipping. But again, things were done to make the top in a bit less harsh, because that type of gain on a single call I’ve got the humbucker tapped at that point can be a bit harsh, and I’ve got some pretty bright headphones on, but boy, it’s really pleasant.

I’m not avoiding it. Sometimes I’ll not hit that button right, but it. There’s going to be so many other things I’m going to use this pedal for in addition to the voice that I was hoping it was going to give me all these solo pieces that I’ve been working on for, you know, just gonna be a solo guitar record where I’m playing just really beautiful, you know, simple melodic pieces.

Everything just kind of laying where I want it to get muddy down here like it used to. So the Halo and the super at mod actually enhance your voicing when you play stuff, it’s making the voicing sound better.

No, for sure, because nice tone, but I need my thing. No, it really is, but that’s how I hear the tone. Somebody once told me it’s like you don’t use delay as an effect. It’s part of your tone. Because it really is never off or very rarely.

I’ll use it in subtle ways occasionally, but with the Halo, I’ve usually got the expression pedal connected to affect the effect level so I can have it dry, so I can just with a little expression pedal, dial it in.

If I go back to the I’ve got the other super 80 mod in the fat position, so I get pretty aggressive. For that. Yeah. Air conditioning is not my friend today. The super at mod what makes it sound give Andy that nice chimy top end and that tube amp type growl and distortion is the fact that this uses JFET transistors.

Those JFET trans districts are the closest thing we have to tubes. So it’s like having little mini tubes in there. And then the whole topology of this pedal, meaning the whole way that the circuit is laid out, is very much like a Fender tube amp.

And so it goes like there’s like a JFET or a tube, then it goes into the tone stack, then it goes into the power tubes. And that’s where we started to make the difference in the clipping diodes there.

And I think that’s what gives it that less harsh top end is when we switch from using regular diodes that turn on very sharply to LEDs light emitting diodes. And those diodes have a little bit softer edge to them and it’s not as harsh.

So I think that’s what contributes to making the amp sound so realistic is that it really is kind of an amp in a box, so to speak, in the sense that it’s laid out just like a Fender amp. And so it’s kind of easy for me to tweak or think about tweaking the sound.

So when you say you want a little bit less of this type, it’s kind of easy to picture where it is and it doesn’t have a typical Stomp box sound. Agreed. With an op amp and some diodes, I haven’t had a pedal feel like that.

Right. It just has such a natural thing. Yeah. The die range coming just from the fingers is incredible. You can totally go from a cleaned up, fuzz face type of very clean with high end to full on drive sound.

Pretty amazing, man. Yeah, it’s been a great evolution with this pedal. We had some success when we. Super fat version of it, the superfat mod, but that was designed to have a higher gain. We wanted to increase the gain on it and have it not be so transparent of an overdrive, but a little bit hot rod type of thing.

So this is kind of nice to go back to more of a tube amp setting, bring down some of those high gain characteristics so that mid range is all nice and cleaned up so you can play the stuff that you were looking for.

Yeah, this is a great pedal. Again, I realized how spoiled and how fortunate I am to be at this part of my playing career where I’ve been playing over 50 years, majority, obviously, the most of my life.

As you mature and as you’re continually chasing the tone and tone questing, you can be more specific and your technique is driven towards getting certain sounds, as people say. Your hands are going to be a part of it and you’re going to kind of try to get the best tone you can out of every piece of gear.

Again, like I say, I would have four different iterations of this basic type of gain on my pedal board and in different moods or different settings. The amp might be reacting differently or it might sound different in the room.

All these things. This is what I’ve been going after. And that’s as simple as I can say. It’s like, okay, this is such a groundbreaking thing for me. And again, it could be just some fine tuning of certain elements, but man, but to have this team of the Keeley folks that are willing to go down that path.

Now, this is fun because as we celebrate a year of doing the Halo and working together, I told you working with Andy was going to bring us much success. Much success because this guy’s got magic ears, he makes magic music, and he’s going to tell us where we need to get our ducks in a row.

That’s what this is. I like sonic ducks. Yes, exactly. Sonic ducks in a row. So, again with this. This switch kind of signifies so much about it. The the old at mod is is a great the old fat mod is a great sounding thing and it still has warm place in my heart because it’s it’s kind of how I saw overdrives developing from a tube screamer to a blues driver a much more open, fuller transparent instead of a very narrow mid range focus thing.

So this was kind of an eye opener. But then all of the ways that you’ve described tone while we were working for years on the Halo and our ability to take what you say, get it to my engineering team, have Aaron Tackett, Creighton Hale get in there, mix it up, and help me along in realizing the things that you want.

I really like this mod because in this way, it’s kind of the old way of me doing things where I kind of lifted up frequencies, lifted up base frequencies, did more of this, more of this. I hesitate to use the word subtractive, but this is like, hey, maybe we should bring this down a little bit.

Maybe we should bring this down. Maybe we should settle this back a little bit. And to me, that’s a great way to arrive at a better tone is to take away some of the excess and leave you with something more natural.

So it’s this cool continuation of working with you where it’s like, man, I love the way sounds blend together in our world. What another joyful journey. We’ve been on Tone questing, first with the Halo that was a year ago.

And now the super 80 mod. I’m so grateful to have this on my board. And again, you know what it takes for me to move stuff off. And we achieved it again beyond my dreams. The Halo knocked it out of the park, and now this.

I’m getting the voice I’ve been looking for in that particular kind of tone. So thank you, man. You’re welcome. It has been that exciting working with you as well. I know how hard it is to move pedals around on your board.

It really is. It’s hard once you get a sound that you like and you can create with you’re, like, that’s my voice. Yes, exactly. I’d hate for anyone to miss out on this limited batches that we’re going to be doing of this.

Head out to, check it out.




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