


長年の友人であり、ディマジオ・アーティストでもあるアンディ・ティモンズが、ニューアルバム『Recovery』、彼のシグネチャー・ギターであるIbanez ATZ300、そして30年以上にわたって彼のサウンドを形成してきたディマジオのピックアップについて語ってくれました。Cruiser Bridge® Bridge Model DP187W、そしてAT-1™ DP224はアンディが長年愛用してきたピックアップで、Ibanezとの最新コラボモデルであるAT300でも引き続き使用している。彼のサウンドを形成し、定義するのに役立つピックアップの使い方と、卓越したサウンドを追求し続ける彼の姿勢について説明する。

But I’m always searching, no matter no matter how happy I might get with a tone or whatever it might be, you know, you’re always wanting more. You’re always wanting to find something that that keeps inspiring you, keeps that fire lit.


Andy Timmons for DiMarzio AT-1™ & The Cruiser® Pickups

「アンディ・ティモンズが語る DiMarzio AT-1™ と The Cruiser® ピックアップについて」

The Cruiser® Bridge DP187

「The Cruiser® ブリッジ(DP187)」

Well, I’m holding a very important part of my history. This guitar that if you’ve seen me play, you’ve likely seen me play with this guitar. I’ve had it for 30 years now, so I’ve been playing this guitar half of my life.


As you can see, it’s an Ibanez, and this was the prototype that eventually became my AT100 signature model.


I had no experience with the pickup. It was completely a recommendation. I would have been leaning probably more towards a natural, you know, regular single coil, but these are humbucking, but they’re very uh single coil in sonic nature. And and those pickups were the DiMarzio Cruisers.


But the beautiful happy accident about this was that I instantly loved the pickups, and it really it really helped shaped my tone in a way that it it’s really identifiable as my tone, which that’s one of those things that you know, young players say, how do you how do you, you know, how do you establish your own tone?


And sometimes it’s just things that come into your pathway that resonate and you go, ah, that’s it. So I’d gotten this guitar. It was made of February 14th, 1994. The next month I recorded a song called Electric Gypsy.

「そういうのは、時々ふと巡りあって“あ、これだ”ってなるものなんだよね。で、このギターは1994年の2月14日に作られたやつで、その翌月に“Electric Gypsy”って曲を録音したんだ。」

Clearly a very Hendrixy riff, but doesn’t sound exactly like that pure single to single coil tone, but it’s got a bit more body, and then of course it’s quiet because it’s humbucking.


From that moment it just, you know, became more and more involved in all the music I was recording until the current day where there’s quite a few pieces

where I just uh I’m on the neck pickup and I’m on a fairly distorted tone. I’m backing my volume down a

and the upper the detail on the upper harmonic

It’s just so sweet.


Let’s talk about this humbucker. So this uh not original to the guitar 30 years ago, but a few years later, it was very uh fortunate to get to work with Larry and Steve Blucher uh at DiMarzio. Um, again in the position of like we want to make your ultimate humbucker for your guitar.


The tough thing about dis lead distorted guitar tones is that, you know, we need a certain amount of gain to really get the singing kind of tone that we want, but the more distortion we introduce, it’s uh it gets kind of bright and shrill if we’re not careful. So I’m always kind of trying to find the sweet spot of having the articulation, enough enough gain to sustain and to get the notes singing like I want, but what’s with it still being a pleasant sound.


Uh, and so with Steve’s help and uh we finally came up with the uh the AT-1 uh custom humbucker. And so I don’t play a little bit on it.


AT-1™ DP224

「(画面表記:AT-1™ DP224)」

You can hear that nice harmonic, you know, uh overtone that really really sings nicely, but again without being too buzzy.


And another thing we started doing is actually doing a coil tap on it, which I was a little skeptical to think, well, we’re gonna really get a nice single coil sound out of this AT-1.


AT-1™ DP224

「(再びAT-1™ DP224の字幕)」

because when I clean up on my own tap it

So between that pickup, the two Cruisers, I’ve had such a a great sonic palette to draw from for 30 years. It’s crazy. I’ve been playing this guitar half of my life, so thank you DiMarzio for being such a big part of that sonic journey.


And we’re still exploring. We’re still working on some uh some new pickups, so stay tuned for that.


As you can see, I’m holding the new guitar, the ATZ300, which is the the most recent signature guitar that I have with Ibanez. This is a a really a happy medium between the old AT100 and AT300 because now the the pickups are in the pickguard. So they’re not quite as punchy and bold,

but have a bit more top end than they would have going directly into the body, which is a really kind of a happy happy uh place for me. It just has a nice really versatile tone to it. Um,


The journey is is is really the beauty and continuing to strive for things that inspire and things that just sound great. And that spirit, I’m working with DiMarzio again on a on a more vintage style single coil pickup, which we haven’t done together yet, so


um if you see me play a lot, you see that I occasionally play old vintage instruments. So I love that traditional single coil sound, so we really want to see how close we can get to that vintage tone that we sometimes want, but uh of course I’ll have some ideas about how to really make it more personal for me.


Like I say, the Cruiser came along at a time where and I didn’t know what was what I was looking for. It just happened to come in my path, and it’s been such a huge part of my sound for 30 years.


But now we’re gonna get back in the into the lab with Steve Blucher and Larry DiMarzio and see where we can go in the in the traditional single coil sense. I’m really excited about that that journey.


So my next solo release will be coming in early 2025. It’s called Recovery, and it’s the second record that uh my dear friend and awesome guitar player Josh Smith is producing with me. Uh, we did a record called Electric Truth back in 2020.

「それで僕の次のソロ作品は2025年初頭に出る予定で、タイトルは“Recovery”って言うんだ。大親友で素晴らしいギタリストのジョシュ・スミスと一緒に制作する2枚目のアルバムになる。2020年に“Electric Truth”ってアルバムを一緒に作ったんだけど、あれの流れの次って感じ。」

It’s uh it’s a little more rock than the last one was a bit more R&B and funk. Um, couple nice tributes to Jeff Beck who we lost in the last couple years.


And uh so yeah, I wrote a little piece called Elegy for Jeff. The the record will lead off with that.

「で、“Elegy for Jeff”っていう小曲を書いて、それがアルバムの1曲目になる予定。」

Andy Timmons Recovery Album available now on Timstone Records

「(画面上の表示)アンディ・ティモンズ『Recovery』アルバムはTimstone Recordsよりリリース中」

Andy Timmons plays his Ibanez AT100 & Ibanez ATZ300 guitars equipped with DiMarzio AT-1™ & The Cruiser® pickups throughout this video. Thanks to Jeremiah Slovarp, Justin Lubke, Matthew Grayson, Steve Crise, John Sweeney, Tony Sartino, and Christiana DiMarzio.

「アンディ・ティモンズは、このビデオを通してDiMarzio AT-1™やThe Cruiser®を搭載したIbanez AT100とATZ300を使用しています。協力してくれたJeremiah Slovarp、Justin Lubke、Matthew Grayson、Steve Crise、John Sweeney、Tony Sartino、そしてChristiana DiMarzioに感謝します。」




New Album

Guitar Xperience